Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Granny. Dad. Tita Ruth. -- All died here at our house. I've witnessed 2 of them pass away, except for my dad.
When Tita Ruth died last month, one major question was always asked.. "Kamusta ka?" I tell them I'm ok. But here's what I really feel. If you think of it, I coud've gotten used to it. But each dying person brings different pain.
Dad died 10 years ago. It was a sudden death. My brother & I were in school and no one told us of his death 'til we came home. It was painful because I didn't get to say good bye to him. It was painful because he was my dad. Simple as that.
Granny died 7 years ago. I was one of the people who took care of her. I was taking up nursing then & I had the means to take care of her. She was my first, blood-related patient. She got weak so fast. She had cancer and opted not to take any medical interventions, she accepted it and waited for God to welcome her in His arms. Nanay's death was a peaceful death. It hurt but we all knew she had to rest.
Tita Ruth died last month. This was all different because from the onset of her Breast Cancer we knew she was having a hard time. She didn't have her own family, we we're her family. She was like a second mom to us. She was pretending to be strong & never asked helped from us. (I knew this after she died). It was painful because I know in my heart she was fighting for her life. She died w/ tears in her eyes. She was willing to live but her body already gave up. I miss her so much. Now, I'm teary-eyed. I saw how she fought the battle. I saw how she made a decision to fight for her life, I saw her faith in God.
I miss all of them. Tita Ruth is now with her brother & nanay. I wonder what they're talking about. I'm sure our 3 angels are looking down on us, protecting us. I know they are all in a safe place, with no pain & suffering. They are now with our Father in heaven.
I miss all of you!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mommy Lee & I love eating! We're partners in crime when it comes to food. I remember when she was pregnant, everything she craves & eat, I supported her hence my body right now. Haha!
We discovered a small stall in Time Square (a food court beside our office) that sells Crepes. I have been & will be forever a crepe fan. I love French Baker's crepe the most. Anyway, I noticed they have affordable buys. And so we decided to try.
It was our second time to eat there. The first time we didn't bring any phones so we failed to capture the delicious-summery dessert we ate.
I ordered for crepe w/ vanilla ice cream & fresh mango bits, topped w/ honey glazed cereals, choco syrup & whipped cream.
Who say's I'm on DIET?!
Rest Day :)
It has been a long time since hubby & I dated. We never get to go out during weekends and even during my offs because we opt to rest -- mainly because we're saving money. ;p But since we had free tickets we decided to go out & just relax. :)
Went strolling around Gateway Mall in Cubao while waiting for the movie to start. I missed the times we just hang out the mall & check the stores out. I missed the times when both of us we're not too conscious w/ our body & eat whatever food our eyes can reach. :) Haha!
I'm happy I get to spend time w/ hubby, "dumedate ule kami!" Hehe. Good times! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thoughts about my work
Work has been.. tough, well, mostly 'cos of the schedule. For the past couple of months, we have been asked to work on a Sunday, not a full shift though, but the fact that we go to the office on a supposed rest day, it's still not a good way to start a Sunday. Anyway, we've had our shares. I'm just really thankful that my colleagues are very flexible. :) We we're told the account (reason why work load's tough also) is only up 'til June. :p Let's keep our fingers crossed.
I'm also praying that our PBO (Performance Bonus Opportunity) will soon be released, hopefully, before May ends. We all need the money, and we all deserve it. I sure hope our company will practice what they preach.
I've been working in this company for little more than 3 years already. My first year was a blast. I was first hired as a Recruitment Associate, calling & interviewing applicants whose interested & might be interested for a call center job, I was earning alot then. Before my first year ended, I got promoted to Recruitment Officer, inviting applicants who pased for communication skills training. My second year, was, very challenging. 2 supervisors with attitude challenges, I must say. I think my 2nd year was the first time I cried because of work. By the end of my 2nd year, things were falling into its right place (I think ;p). I was transferred to the Training Department, I became a Goal Officer (I'm uncertain what Goal means though. Haha!), still inviting trainees & giving them Job offers. Anyway, I've enjoyed some part of it and I'll be forever thankful that I've learned alot. :)
I just remembered, this job was an answered prayer. God gave my this job because I asked for it. Sometimes, I forget about His gift. I rant, I complain, I say things about work w/o thinking twice. I don't hurt myself, I realized, the first who gets hurt is the One who gave this work to me. I'm not the kind of person who promises because most of the time I break it but I will try my best to be more appreciative of what I have right now, to take care of the responsibility given to me & to just be happy and content.
Father God, thank You for everything.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Im alive & full of love ♥
After months of not visiting this site, I'm back! :)
Many things happened.
I got married. That's a lot! ;p
I just want to share that I've never been happier. Now that I married the ♥ of my life & now that we're together in one house, its all too euphoric. I believe we're still in the honeymoon stage. Too cheesy but I'm loving the feeling of opening my eyes every morning & seeing him beside me, sleeping like a baby.
I think the stories I will be sharing from now on will be the experiences I have as a married young woman. I might change my blog title to: Revealed: Confessions of a married young women. I want to emphasize "young" because this might be the only excuse I have for myself that I'm also entitled to mess up in the course of my marriage. (Atleast I have my disclaimer here. )
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Welcome 2010!
God will continually be faithful in my life and the lives of those I love!
Father, I am claiming that I will be blessed this year!