Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thoughts about my work

I've been longing to write but I'm to lazy to do so. Maybe because there's a lot going on my mind, thoughts, ideas flying all over.

Work has been.. tough, well, mostly 'cos of the schedule. For the past couple of months, we have been asked to work on a Sunday, not a full shift though, but the fact that we go to the office on a supposed rest day, it's still not a good way to start a Sunday. Anyway, we've had our shares. I'm just really thankful that my colleagues are very flexible. :) We we're told the account (reason why work load's tough also) is only up 'til June. :p Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I'm also praying that our PBO (Performance Bonus Opportunity) will soon be released, hopefully, before May ends. We all need the money, and we all deserve it. I sure hope our company will practice what they preach.

I've been working in this company for little more than 3 years already. My first year was a blast. I was first hired as a Recruitment Associate, calling & interviewing applicants whose interested & might be interested for a call center job, I was earning alot then. Before my first year ended, I got promoted to Recruitment Officer, inviting applicants who pased for communication skills training. My second year, was, very challenging. 2 supervisors with attitude challenges, I must say. I think my 2nd year was the first time I cried because of work. By the end of my 2nd year, things were falling into its right place (I think ;p). I was transferred to the Training Department, I became a Goal Officer (I'm uncertain what Goal means though. Haha!), still inviting trainees & giving them Job offers. Anyway, I've enjoyed some part of it and I'll be forever thankful that I've learned alot. :)

I just remembered, this job was an answered prayer. God gave my this job because I asked for it. Sometimes, I forget about His gift. I rant, I complain, I say things about work w/o thinking twice. I don't hurt myself, I realized, the first who gets hurt is the One who gave this work to me. I'm not the kind of person who promises because most of the time I break it but I will try my best to be more appreciative of what I have right now, to take care of the responsibility given to me & to just be happy and content.

Father God, thank You for everything.

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